18 September 2010

Wow! How long has it been?

I think I might have forgotten about my blog? It would take me months to catch everyone up to where our lives are currently so I will just start with the highlights. In August of last year we moved into a bigger house. It was so nice to be able to spread out! The couple that lived here before us did an awesome job with the yard - they made it look effortless! We discovered that this is not the case . Needless to say our neighbors are very patient with us!
In May we went to Disneyland, Pepperdine and the beach with some of our great friends - the Russell's. We love you guys! We were able to get in on the "Give a day get a day" program that Disney was doing for their 100th year celebration. We (Keith, Kyle, Katie and myself) volunteered at the food bank in ABQ one evening and they (Disney) gave us a free day at Disneyland! AWESOME!!!! We combined it with a trip we were already taking to Malibu, CA to visit Pepperdine University for their Lectures and of course the beach is right there so we just couldn't resist!

18 August 2009

Robyn, your amazing!

My cousin Robyn, what can I say! She is at the top of my list of things to be thankful for today! Nothing touches my heart more than people loving my kids. I am sure that is the same for many of you all that have children. Robyn thank you for touching my heart once more - you are amazing!

Thankful for our new town

After a refreshing morning of taking the kids to school and pulling weeds in the backyard with Levi (along with a few other exciting things) - I have been bl est with a new appreciation for this little town we live in. I have an awful lot to be thankful for! There are many beautiful people that live here and daily they are being reveled to me. We (Levi and I) were at Ace Hardware today buying weed eater line when some gentlemen that work for the school system here gave Levi a small ball to play with. Seems like nothing at all but it made my day! Then the blessing of being on the same page with one of the kids teachers and knowing that they will love my child regardless of the excitement my child provides to the class in any given day. Along with just generally kind people that make an effort to help our family be involved in the community. Thank you to all those people that went out of their way to make our family feel welcome to this new place! May God bless your day.

17 August 2009

I thought we talked about this

At night, when I put the kids to bed, I try to make deals with them. The most common deal I try to make with them is that they will not grow any more and they can live with me and dad forever! Sounds like a good deal to me - never having to say goodbye to those baby years - never have to send them to school - yeah, i love it! For some reason they say okay and then look what happens - they keep getting bigger! I put them to bed a week or two later and tell them "I thought we talked about this!" They think they are in trouble for something and i tell them - we agreed that you weren't going to get any bigger! Kyle always says "Maaaaaaaam!" "I can't help it - it happens while I'm sleeping". Katie says "Well, I am going to get bigger every day that is just how God made me!" Levi usually just laughs, I can't entirely understand his words yet and I am usually tickling him while I am saying it. I know that I really don't want them to stay little forever because there is so much more to experience with them. I just wish this time wasn't flying by as fast as it is. (Most days!)

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3
I am missin' my girls - this is not all of them but you know who you are! This new life, after the move, has proven harder than I expected. My plan was just to gracefully transition from our city life into our new small town life but as those of you that love me know, my middle name is not "Grace". Thank goodness for God's grace!!!!!!!! He makes me look much better than I really am. I am missin' my late night grocery store buddies who would meet me at the grocery store no matter what. If we needed to just get a little "girl time" or maybe it was one of our birthday's - there were no limits on this time (except if there were children involved) - even if one of us threw up on isle 6! I miss you Kathy! (It was me not her - didn't mean to throw you under the bus on that one Kathy.) I am missin' my therapy times with each of you - it's kinda hard to keep the crazy to a dull roar without those therapy sessions! I am praying that you all are being blest at the end of this summer of 2009. I love you all!
My life is just an everyday life, full of wiping noses, kissing ouchies and trying to keep all the balls in the air without being knocked over by the whirlwind of three busy children, a wonderful husband and our carpet guard named Copper. I hope that you will find our day in and day out enjoyable. We do!


About Me

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Child of God - wife to keith - mama to 3 little monkey's - keeper of copper - blest with much family - thankful for this life!