18 September 2010

Wow! How long has it been?

I think I might have forgotten about my blog? It would take me months to catch everyone up to where our lives are currently so I will just start with the highlights. In August of last year we moved into a bigger house. It was so nice to be able to spread out! The couple that lived here before us did an awesome job with the yard - they made it look effortless! We discovered that this is not the case . Needless to say our neighbors are very patient with us!
In May we went to Disneyland, Pepperdine and the beach with some of our great friends - the Russell's. We love you guys! We were able to get in on the "Give a day get a day" program that Disney was doing for their 100th year celebration. We (Keith, Kyle, Katie and myself) volunteered at the food bank in ABQ one evening and they (Disney) gave us a free day at Disneyland! AWESOME!!!! We combined it with a trip we were already taking to Malibu, CA to visit Pepperdine University for their Lectures and of course the beach is right there so we just couldn't resist!

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About Me

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Child of God - wife to keith - mama to 3 little monkey's - keeper of copper - blest with much family - thankful for this life!